Culinary Competition National

what you can expect

Support 100%
Empowerment 100%
Mentoring 100%

Principal Partner

Supporting the Next Generation

Young Chefs

All chefs under 25 who are current members of the ACF are automatically subscribed to the Australian Young Chefs.
We have dedicated, active committees across regions, including Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia, NSW ACT & Regions, South Queensland, North Queensland, and the Northern Territory.

The Young Chef program is proudly sponsored by Nestlé Professional.


Australian Young Chefs is aligned with Worldchefs Young Chefs and embraces four main pillars:

Our program is designed to provide a platform for emerging chefs to gain education and mentoring support. It encourages them to connect, share in industry programs, and appreciate the significance of cultural awareness and humanitarian efforts, not just in Australia but globally.

As a member of the Australian Young Chefs, you’ll have the chance to participate in initiatives such as the Young Chef Culinary Culture Exchange Program and the Bill Gallagher Young Chefs Forum.

emerging industry leaders

MEET THE Young chefs Leaders

Northern Territory
Lillie Fielding
0477 471 666
western Australia
Courtney Short
0420 330 767

Guide. Inspire. Empower.

MEET THE Mentors

South Queensland

Surojit Bhattacharya
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